Wednesday, 9 October 2013

The Q-Team received some really nice feedback from the manager of one of the services that we visited recently and as we are ones to sing our own praises we thought that we would share it with you :)
"As a manager I enjoyed the whole Q-Team  experience. They worked around when was the best times to meet service users and how best to interact. They brought things into their reports that I had not thought about and from a different perspective. I was then able to action these points by talking to key-workers and asking for 1-1 chats, or for tenants meetings discussions. It showed me and the team that we needed to address areas of discussions in different ways.
I would highly recommend the Q team. It showed me that having peers audit the service opened up discussions that had not happened before. It created an equal and open environment with much laughter. I have seen service users try to answer what they think support workers want to hear but with The Q-Team they just chatted and spoke about their lives and how they want things.
Nice polite individuals that made service users feel relaxed and happy to talk about their homes and support.
As a manager I would say to others don’t be defensive about items brought up, its real people seeing the service how they see it and, as we are service user focused, then that is what it is about."

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